Safe Teen Driver Pledge

Have students sign a banner and take a pledge to "Slow down, speak up, and stay alert." during lunch periods at your high school.

This activity focuses on warning young drivers against the dangers of distracted driving, passenger behavior and drowsy driving. Student will learn facts regarding the consequences of unsafe driving behaviors and make a commitment to drive safely by signing a banner to be displayed at your school & individual pledge cards.

To Complete the Activity:

  1. Request the vinyl AAA "Slow Down Speak Up Stay Alert" banner for your school and schedule the activity. Contact: AAA Ohio Auto Club, Traffic Safety Manager / Kellie O'Riorden / / 614-431-7882.
  2. Or you can create your own banner and pledge cards.
  3. Decide on best options for making available to your students a AAA representative will deliver banner Recruit students to assist in the lunch period activity to engage their peers in signing the banner and pledge cards.
  4. Post a "Slow Down Speak Up Stay Alert" banner in a high school common area (cafeteria, lobby, athletic venue).
  5. Take a photo of the banner that demonstrates its role in creating awareness (students posing next to/under the banner).Take photo(s) of students engaged in the activity.
  6. Share photos on social media sites for your school and community partners.
  7. Your pledge campaign may also include virtual pledges by individual students- just make sure to have a photo record to share this activity.
Submission Instructions: 

To Get Your Points:

  1. Complete the activity as described above.
  2. Take photos/video of students participating in the activity.
  3. Click "Submit Points."
  4. Fill out the online submission COMPLETELY
  5. Enter the name and email of the submitter  
  6. Upload your photos/video and a brief description of the activity (including the date of completion and any people pictured in the photo).
  7. Multiple individual classroom presentations or school assemblies will only be approved as one submission
  8. Schools must take new photos with and submit these pictures to earn points again for the current year. 
  9. Points for all award levels will be counted instantaneously, but the Silver Award will not be granted until a participating school has earned the Bronze Award!

Share photos and video to school social media sites  

            Facebook     #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH

            Twitter         @ReduceOHCrashes 

            Instagram    @reduceteencrashesdelcooh

Questions? Contact Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator or 740-203-2083