Rock the Belt Campaign

Host a "Rock the Belt" campaign improve student seat belt usage rates at your school.

Rock the Belt is for anyone (SADD chapters, prevention or leadership groups, community coalitions, etc.) committed to saving lives – specifically teen lives – by promoting the importance of buckling your seat belt in every vehicle, in every seat, every time! 

During this week-long event, students can participate in fun and effective activities to raise awareness, educate, and engage peers, the community and even parents on the statistics and why it’s critical to buckle up, every time, in every vehicle.

Individual activites to Complete Rock the Belt:

  1. Quick-Click Challenge: (details in Reduce Teen Crashes activity tab)
  2. "Chalk the Walk": (details in Reduce Teen Crashes activity tab)
  3. Seat Belt Selfie:(details in Reduce Teen Crashes activity tab)
  4. Cheer for Safety Belts!  Work with your cheerleading squad to create and perform a safety belt cheer at a game.Get the crowd involved with emphasis on a few key words or motions. Optional: Toss items with teen traffic safety messaging into the crowds after the cheer is completed
  5. Duct Tape Safety Belts/ "Fasten Show":  Provide colorful duct tape and have students decorate themselves with duct tape “safety belts”, a fun activity and an effective visual reminder.  Be sure take photos for yearbook, newspaper, and social media (#INSADD and #rockthebelt).  Consider taking this activity to the next level by hosting a “Fasten Show” with a runway, lights, social media paparazzi, etc. Award the most stylishly belted students a prize.  Materials: Duct tape; Runway; Red Carpet; Lights; Paparazzi; Prizes
  6. School Announcements:  More than likely, you have used the school announcements as a way of educating in the past. Brainstorm what seat belt use message(s) might be shared to help you get your point across to your fellow students. Be creative!  If you have video announcements, consider creating and submitting a video PSA to be shown to the student body.  Materials: Video Camera; Video editing
  7. Rockin’ the Belt Recognition:  As an alternative (or in addition) to the seat belt survey, record the license plate number or other identifying information of all student drivers who are buckled up when coming into school. Then place the names into a hat for a drawing to win prizes, such as gift cards, etc.  Make a big deal of the winners, and thank everyone who buckled up!  Materials:Parking lot observers / Prizes
  8. Partner With Local Media:  If you want safety belt usage rates to increase, you need to get the word out! Contact your local media about your Rock the Belt initiative(s).  Use the press release template (see last page) to inform your local media of your plans. Invite media to attend or participate in some of your activities. Take video or pictures and submit them after your events.  Check with your local radio station about running Rock the Belt public service announcements.  Materials: Press Release Form; Camera (for video or photos.
Submission Instructions: 
  1. Have photos ready with students completing the activity.
  2. Include any additional supporting documentation.
  3. Click “Submit Points" and follow the instructions.

Share photos and video to school social media sites  

Facebook     #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH

Twitter         @ReduceOHCrashes 

Instagram    @reduceteencrashesdelcooh


Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator


Office: 740-203-2083

Who's Looking?: 
Best Time to Complete: 