Receive a "STAY ALIVE! don't TXT & drive" banner to hang up and promote safe driving behaviors in your school!
The "STAY ALIVE! don't TXT & drive" banner is funded by the Ohio Traffic Safety Office and the National Highway Safety Administration.
To obtain banners contact:
Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator Email: Office: 740-203-2083
OR Email: TRAFFICSAFETY@DPS.STATE.OH.US How to complete this activity:
Have photos ready with students completing the activity.
Include any additional supporting documentation.
Click “Submit Points" and follow the instructions.
Share photos and video to school social media sites
Facebook #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH
Twitter @ReduceOHCrashes
Instagram @reduceteencrashesdelcooh
Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator
Office: 740-203-2083