Utilize an educational website from the “Insurance Institute for Highway Safety” that applies physics and biology concepts to the real world of cars and car crashes.
To Complete the Activity:
1. Visit the “Insurance Institute for Highway Safety” at https://classroom.iihs.org The website aims to reinforce important physics and biology concepts while providing students the knowledge to make safe decisions while riding in or driving a vehicle.
2. Show videos for Understanding car crashes, joining Dr. Griff Jones at the IIHS Vehicle Research Center for crash tests and engaging demonstrations as he explains the science behind car crashes.
- It’s Basic Physics
- When Physics Meets Biology
3. Use Lessons to explore crash science and engineering with these video-assisted, hands-on lessons.
- Penny for Your Thoughts
- Twirling Penny
- Pain in the Neck
- Momentum bashing
4. Show Additional Engagement Videos further engage your STEM skills with these videos.
- Lego IIHS Crash Test
- Crash Science Demos
- Twirling Penny
- Inside IIHS
- Have photos ready with students completing the activity.
- Include any additional supporting documentation.
- Click “Submit Points" and follow the instructions.
Share photos and video to school social media sites
Facebook #ReduceTeenCrashesDelCoOH
Twitter @ReduceOHCrashes
Instagram @reduceteencrashesdelcooh
Jackie Bain, SAFE Delaware County Coalition coordinator
Email: jbain@DelawareHealth.org
Office: 740-203-2083